Our 5-point guide to build and manage your editorial operation
Writing good stories is hard enough. Don’t let your own editorial process get in your way.
The fight for better content starts before anyone writes a word. It begins with ideas that come from a variety of sources: leadership, newsworthy events and especially your own reporting. Those ideas turn into stories through a vigorous editorial process that determines the best and most creative ways to tell them. It concludes with thorough editing and a streamlined review process.
That’s what happens – or should happen – in your newsroom. For help in any of these areas, from story pitches to content published on different channels, download our free guide, “How to Run an Effective Newsroom.” You’ll learn how to:
- Create a shadow org chart with functional roles such as editor to manage the content.
- Hold effective newsroom meetings that produce story pitches, assignments and deadlines.
- Plan for a mix of stories that include timely news, appealing features and thought leadership.
- Develop a beat system to build sources and produce story ideas from the people closest to the work.
Streamline your review process to publish engaging stories in a timely fashion.